Discovery Tools
Tim Ogilvie, CEO of Peer Insight, an innovation consultancy, and co-author of The Designing for Growth Field Book with Darden Professor Jeanne Liedtka, guides your exploration of the most effective design thinking tools available. In this course, you will learn to use tools from the field of human-centered design: stakeholder mapping, journey mapping, personas, value-chain analysis, the job-to-be-done, ethnographic interviews, and more. Learn to connect with your customers on a human level, to get beyond what they say and observe what they do. You'll learn to recognize weak signals about unarticulated needs and capture overlooked ideas. Each week's lesson contains video instruction, practical applications and action ideas and do's and don'ts from professionals who've extensively field-tested these concepts.
- Fuel discovery sessions and connect with those you most want to serve in new, exciting and more powerful ways
- Experiment with a range of possibilities for uncovering customer, client or benefactor needs
- Amplify weak signals about unspoken desires to create truly novel insights that move your company or cause forward