
Coronary Angiography Principles And Catheters

Coronary Angiography Principles And Catheters image

Coronary angiography is the definitive “gold standard” clinical technique for evaluating coronary anatomy in many patients. It provides accurate information regarding the location and severity of coronary disease, anomalies, and correlation with clinical syndromes. With the advancement of radial access, coronary angiography can be done with very low complications rates while still providing accurate information. The laboratory and catheters provide a platform for coronary intervention and revascularization. In this lesson, we will review the principles of coronary angiography and review the catheters that are commonly used.

In this course, you will learn:

  • To itemize the clinical findings that can be learned from coronary angiography
  • To describe the limitations inherent in coronary angiography
  • To discuss the role of coronary angiography in clinical settings
  • To list the various contrast agents and their side-effects
  • To apply knowledge of coronary catheters to various anatomic situations